What is Career and College Promise?

The Career and College Promise program, referred to as CCP, is North Carolina’s dual enrollment program. The CCP program allows students to take college courses. Students may only take courses designated as CCP by the state. Courses are arranged into pathways to give students an opportunity to begin their college careers through earning certificates and/or college transfer credit. A student can be enrolled in one College Transfer pathway and one Career Technical pathway, or two Career Technical pathways. For a list of pathways available at Southwestern Community College, please see our CCP Brochure

Eligibility to Participate

  • All Juniors and Seniors students are able to participate in CCP, and 9th and 10th graders can participate depending on if they meet the eligibility requirements

  • Students must have a 2.8 Unweighted Grade Point Average to participate in College Transfer Pathways

  • Students with a GPA under 2.8 may participate in Career Technical Pathways with the recommendation of their high school principals

  • Students must meet the minimum testing requirements identified for their class or pathway

  • Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA, which is a C Average, in their SCC classes to remain in Good Academic Standing

Cost of Dual Enrolled Classes

Career and College Promise courses are Tuition Free, however if you are in an online class with SCC the cost of the textbook or access codes is an expense students and families have pay out of pocket.

Logan Gentry

Logan Gentry

Email Logan Gentry (best method)

828-339-4424 (SCC Direct Phone Line)

Logan is in the College and Career Center Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00am-2:00pm.

What Classes are Considered Dual Enrolled Classes at Swain High?

At Swain High School the dual enrollment opportunities are abundant!

The automotive, carpentry, and welding classes are 100% dual enrolled through SCC, but are taught at the high school.  If you take Foods 2, you will get dual enrolled credit for Culinary 112 at SCC.  The majority of the AP classes at Swain are also dual enrolled through SCC, as well as other courses at the high school.  You can also take online SCC classes as an elective in your high school schedule.

You can view the CCP Brochure (linked above) to see what classes are offered to you and you can view more detailed course descriptions in this Course Catalog.

You will find out more about dual enrollment opportunities each spring during advising and registration with the high school guidance counselors.

How do I get Started with Career and College Promise?

You will need to meet with Logan Gentry in the College and Career Center to fill out paperwork which is required for all Dual Enrolled students and classes, regardless of whether the class is taught at the high school or online.  The best way to arrange a meeting is via email.  His contact information is below.


Note: You are NOT signed up for SCC classes until you have met with Logan Gentry and filled out the necessary paperwork.

You will be asked to fill out the Career and College Promise Application and Registration Form. Mr. Gentry will help you fill these out when you meet, but you will need to know your social security number for SCC to process your application and signed up for courses.  It is best to ask your parents for this information prior to meeting with Mr. Gentry

If you are taking and online class with SCC, you will be asked to fill out the Keys to Success Form for dual enrolled students with your parent/guardian prior to getting registered for any SCC online classes. 

If you are signed up to take online classes with SCC, you will be asked to participate in orientation.  This is a requirement for dual enrolled students.  Failure to participate could result in your SCC classes being dropped.  More information about orientation dates will be communicated to students by Mr. Gentry via email in late spring or early summer.

View more information and resources on the Career and College Promise webpage at Southwestern Community College.